
General Meetings

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is the Company’s highest decision-making body in accordance with the Companies Act.

At the Annual General Meeting, shareholders exercise their voting rights in key matters, such as determining income and balance sheets, disposition of the Company’s results, discharging the Board of Directors and the CEO, election of board members and auditors, and decisions related to remuneration of the Board and auditors.

Shareholders who are entered in the share register and who have notified his/her participation in time to the AGM are entitled to participate and vote for his/her shares. Shareholders may also be represented by representatives at the general meeting. One share gives the right to one vote at the AGM. There are no limits as to how many votes each shareholder may submit at the AGM. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be held in addition to the Annual General Meeting.

In accordance with the articles of association, notice to the Annual General Meeting is to be made by advertising in Post- och Inrikes Tidningar and by making the notice available on the Company’s website. At the same time as a call is made, the Company shall announce that a notice has been made by announcement in Svenska Dagbladet. Notice of Annual General Meeting and convening an Extraordinary General Meeting, in which an amendment to the Articles of Association will be considered, shall be issued no earlier than six weeks and no later than four weeks before the meeting. Notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be issued no earlier than six weeks and no later than two weeks prior to the meeting.



2curex Årsredovisning och koncern 2023 (In Swedish)
Revisionsberättelse 2cureX AB 2023 (In Swedish)
Proxy form AGM (In Swedish)
Proxy form AGM (In English)
Notice in Swedish
Notice in English

Extra General Meeting In 2cureX AB

Proxy form EGM (In Swedish)
Proxy form EGM (In English)
Fairness Opinion Letter (In English)



Fullständiga beslutsförslag (In Swedish) 2023.05.25
Fullmaktsformulär 2curex For AGM 2023.05.25
Annual Report 2022 (Swedish version)
Notice in Swedish
Notice in English

Extra General Meeting In 2cureX AB

Proxy form EGM (In Swedish)
Proxy form EGM (In English)
Notice to attend the extraordinary general meeting of 2cureX AB (publ) (Swedish)
Notice to attend the extraordinary general meeting of 2cureX AB (publ) (English)
Kommuniké från extra bolagsstämma i 2cureX AB (Swedish)
Announcement from extraordinary general meeting 2cureX AB (English)


Extra General Meeting In 2cureX AB

Proxy form EGM (In Swedish)
Proxy form EGM
Form for advanced voting EGM (In Swedish)
Form for advanced voting EGM
2cureX Warrant terms Bilaga 1d (In Swedish/English)

Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2022

Fullständiga beslutsförslag  (In Swedish)
Fullmaktsformulär – Årsstämma 2022 (In Swedish)
2cureX – Årsredovisning 2021 (In Swedish)


Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2021

Terms for Warrants in 2cureX AB, series 2021/2024 (In Swedish/English)
Fullständiga beslutsförslag (In Swedish)
Formulär for poströstning (In Swedish)
Fullmaktsformulär (In Swedish)


Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)

Extraordinary General Meeting 2020-11-05 | Proxy EGM – 2cureX AB
Extraordinary General Meeting 2020-07-02 | Proxy EGM – 2cureX AB

Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2020

2cureX Annual Report 2019
Fullmaktsformulär – Årsstämma 2020 (In Swedish)
Fullständiga beslutsförslag inför årsstämma 2020 (In Swedish)


Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2019

2cureX – Årsredovisning 2018 (In Swedish)
Fullmaktsformulär – Årsstämma 2019 (In Swedish)
Fullständiga beslutsförslag inför årsstämma 2019 (In Swedish)

Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) 2019

Complete decision basis for EGM – 2cureX AB
Proxy EGM – 2cureX AB


Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2018

2cureX – Årsredovisning 2017
Fullmaktsformulär – Årsredovisning 2018
Fullständiga beslutsförslag inför årsstämma 2018


2cureX – teaser – May 2018