March 14 | 2019

Notice of extraordinary general meeting in 2cureX AB (publ)

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March 14 | 2019

Kallelse till extra bolagsstämma i 2cureX AB (publ)

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March 12 | 2019

2cureX utvidgar verksamheten till förebyggande cancermedicin

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March 12 | 2019

2cureX expands its activities to preventive cancer medicine

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March 1 | 2019

2cureX offentliggör bokslutskommuniké för räkenskapsåret 2018

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March 1 | 2019

2cureX publishes year-end report for the fiscal year 2018

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February 20 | 2019

Correction – Lack of reference to MAR – 2cureX reports positive results from an ongoing clinical trial in heavily pre-treated colorectal cancer patients

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February 20 | 2019

Correction – Lack of reference to MAR – 2cureX meddelar positiva resultat från pågående klinisk studie med kraftigt förbehandlade kolorektalcancerpatienter

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January 16 | 2019

2cureX strengthens the organisation via the recruitment of a CFO

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January 16 | 2019

2cureX stärker organisationen genom rekrytering av CFO

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December 10 | 2018

2cureX is accelerating the launch of IndiTreat®

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December 10 | 2018

2cureX accelererar lanseringen av IndiTreat®

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November 23 | 2018

2cureX AB publishes interim report for January – September 2018

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November 23 | 2018

2cureX AB offentliggör delårsrapport för januari – september 2018

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November 16 | 2018

Vejle universitetssjukhus och 2cureX har erhållit godkännande att inleda en klinisk studie i bukspottkörtelcancer

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November 16 | 2018

The University Hospital, Vejle Hospital and 2cureX have received approval to start a clinical trial in pancreatic cancer

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October 9 | 2018

2cureX announces CE-IVD marking of its IndiTreat test

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October 9 | 2018

2cureX meddelar godkänd CE-IVD-märkning av sitt IndiTreat-test

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