May 2 | 2018

2cureX:s VD deltar på Folkemødet 2018 i Danmark

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May 2 | 2018

2cureX’s CEO Ole Thastrup will join Folkemødet 2018 in Denmark

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April 25 | 2018

Kallelse till årsstämma i 2cureX AB (publ)

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April 24 | 2018

2cureX is expanding its operations in Germany with the opening of a screening lab at Centrum für innovative Medizin (CiM), Hamburg

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April 24 | 2018

2cureX utvidgar sin verksamhet genom att öppna ett screeninglab vid Centrum für innovative Medizin (CiM) i Hamburg

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March 13 | 2018

2cureX har erhållit första utbetalningen om 1,5 MEUR från Horizon 2020

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March 13 | 2018

2cureX receives first payment of EUR 1,5 million from EU Horizon 2020

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March 12 | 2018

2cureX inbjudna att presentera IndiTreat® och klinisk data på ESMO i juni 2018

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March 12 | 2018

2cureX invited to present IndiTreat® and clinical data at ESMO in June 2018

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February 27 | 2018

2cureX will participate at Sedermeradagen Copenhagen

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February 27 | 2018

2cureX deltar på Sedermeradagen Köpenhamn

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February 15 | 2018

2cureX offentliggör bokslutskommuniké för verksamhetsåret 2017

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January 22 | 2018

2cureX avtalar om de slutliga villkoren gällande ett bidrag om 29 MSEK från Horizon 2020

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January 22 | 2018

2cureX agrees on final terms concerning an EUR 3 million grant from Horizon 2020

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December 11 | 2017

Stort intresse för den nyligen inledda kliniska studien med 2cureX:s IndiTreat™-test

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December 11 | 2017

Large interest in the newly launched clinical trial for 2cureX’s IndiTreat™ test

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November 29 | 2017

2cureX prepares for market launch of IndiTreat™ in 2020 –  international Chief Business Officer is recruited to lead the process

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November 24 | 2017

2cureX AB: Första dag för handel på Nasdaq Stockholm First North

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